Training & resources hub

training computer moduleWelcome to the Wisconsin problem-solving court training and resources hub! Here you can access many problem-solving court resources and training opportunities. If you have additional resources or training opportunities you would like added to the hub, please contact Heather Kierzek, Evidence-Based Program Manager, (The documents on this page are in Adobe PDF format, unless otherwise noted.)

Technical support resources by standard (1 - 17)

2019 standards training binder

Standards 101 training

Standards 101 training part 1

Part 1: Standards 1-10, 16, and 17 (1:35:45)

Standards 101 training part 2

Part 2: Standards 11-15 (1:01:15)

Note: Click on the headings for each standard below to access those resources.

Standards 1 - 6

Standards 7 - 12

Standards 13 - 17

Resources by program type

Resources by team role