Media resources

library shelving with booksWisconsin Court System website

The website provides a variety of useful materials, including: information on circuit court and appellate court cases; Supreme Court and Court of Appeals opinions from 1995 to present; audio of Supreme Court oral arguments from 1997 to present; and live audio of Supreme Court proceedings. The website also contains biographies of all current and past justices; information on the courts' many programs and initiatives; a directory of all court system staff; The Third Branch, a quarterly newsletter of the Wisconsin judiciary; and much more.

Wisconsin Circuit Court Access (WCCA) & Wisconsin Supreme Court & Court of Appeals Case Access (WSSCA)

WCCA, the online searchable version of the statewide circuit court case-management system, was created in response to an increasing number of requests for court records from district attorneys, sheriffs' departments, and other court business partners. Title companies, abstractors, members of the media and the general public have also benefited from WCCA.

WSCCA provides public access to the status of appeals filed with the Wisconsin Supreme Court and the Wisconsin Court of Appeals. Generally, this site includes appeals that were considered "open" from the end of 1993 forward. Briefs filed in cases arising from petitions for review on or after July 1, 2009 are available on WSCCA. Briefs filed from November 1992 to June 2009 are available through the University of Wisconsin Law Library (external link) in scanned form.

Supreme Court table of pending cases

A table of all pending Supreme Court cases that includes a brief statement of the issue presented in each case and the county of origination is available on the court system website. Contact the Supreme Court clerk's office at (608) 266-1880 or

Supreme Court case synopses

A monthly synopsis of upcoming Supreme Court cases is distributed via e-mail to media outlets that have requested it. These are also available on the website. Contact the Court Information Officer at (608) 261-6640 or

Calendar & agendas for oral argument, conferences & rules hearings

The calendar lists dates for Supreme Court oral arguments, conferences and rules hearings. Unless otherwise noted, oral argument and conferences are held in Madison, in the Supreme Court's Hearing Room located in the East Wing of the State Capitol. To confirm dates and times contact the Supreme Court clerk's office at (608) 266-1880.

Notice of hearings

The court notices and holds a public hearing on a petition for the creation or amendment of rules governing pleading, practice and procedure in judicial proceedings in all courts, provided that the Supreme Court deems the petition to have arguable merit. The court also holds a public hearing on a petition for amendment of the Supreme Court Rules except, in the court's discretion, when the petition concerns ministerial or otherwise non substantive matters or when exigent circumstances exist.

Media coordinators listing

A county-by-county list of media coordinators statewide, including telephone and fax numbers, email and mailing addresses, is available free from the Court Information Office and on the court system website. Contact the Court Information Officer at (608) 261-6640 or

Camera coverage of court proceedings by media

Supreme Court Rule 61 governs electronic media and still photography coverage of judicial proceedings.

Wisconsin State Law Library website -

The library's website features an online catalog, links to government and law-related resources, and a method to request reference assistance and document delivery via e-mail. Call (608) 266-1600.

Court operating procedures

Published Supreme Court internal operating procedures that explain – among other things – the steps a case goes through from acceptance to release of the opinion are available in the State Law Library and on the court system website.

Wisconsin lawyer search

Published by the State Bar of Wisconsin, this online resource, which can be found at, has addresses and phone numbers for all lawyers licensed to practice in Wisconsin. A comprehensive explanation of the lawyer regulation process in Wisconsin can be found on the Office of Lawyer Regulation's website, along with a searchable database of information about Wisconsin lawyers.

News Reporter's Legal Handbook

Published by the State Bar of Wisconsin, this handbook (external link) contains general information on how the courts operate, guidelines for covering proceedings in state and federal courts, a glossary of legal terms, and a reprint of Chapter 61 of the Supreme Court Rules. This booklet is free. Contact the State Bar Public Affairs Office at (608) 250-6025.

Wisconsin Court System Directory

The directory contains telephone numbers, fax numbers, and addresses for all circuit court judges, Court of Appeals judges, and Supreme Court justices, as well as court administrators, clerks of court, and staff. Available only online.

Informational handouts

Want to learn more about how the courts work or how a case gets to the Supreme Court? The court system's website makes available more than two dozen handouts that explain various components and procedures of the court system. The handouts are viewable online or may be downloaded in pdf format.

Wisconsin Circuit Court Rules

The State Bar of Wisconsin compiles and posts Wisconsin Circuit Court Rules, some of which address the use of electronic devices, such as cell phones, laptops, cameras and recording equipment. These local rules also address court procedures, professional conduct, courtesy and decorum, among other topics in a particular circuit court. Be familiar with local rules before attending court proceedings. A county-by-county link to local rules can be found here.