Wisconsin State Law Library

gavel and scales with row of books in the background

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Founded by the 1836 Act of Congress that established the territory of Wisconsin, the Wisconsin State Law Library exists to serve the legal information needs of the officers and employees of this state, attorneys, and the public. The library provides the highest quality of professional expertise in the selection, maintenance, and use of materials, information, and technology in order to facilitate equal access to the law.

Contact information

Wisconsin State Law Library
Amy Crowder, State Law Librarian
120 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 7881
Madison, WI 53707-7881
Direct reference assistance: (608) 267-9696 or (800) 322-9755
Fax: (608) 267-2319
Contact the WSLL Reference Desk

Hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.