State-Tribal Justice Forum

gavelThe general charge of the State-Tribal Justice Forum is to promote and sustain communication, education and cooperation among tribal and state court systems. The Forum meets quarterly and includes five circuit court judges, five tribal judges, one tribal attorney and one district court administrator. The director of state courts serves as an ex officio member of the Forum.

Committee membership

Name Affiliation/Location
Hon. John Anderson (Co-Chair) Bayfield County Circuit Court
Hon. John E. Powless III (Co-Chair) Oneida Nation Judiciary
Hon. Rodney Dequaine Oneida Nation Judiciary
Hon. Mark Goodman Monroe County Circuit Court
Hon. William Kussel Shawano County Circuit Court
Hon. Bridget Long Menominee Tribal Court
Hon. JoDeen Lowe Ho Chunk Tribal Court
Hon. Elaine H. Smith Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Court
Hon. Leon Stenz Forest County Circuit Court
Attorney Paul Stenzel  
Attorney Douglas Twait Wisconsin Judicare
Mr. Ross Munns, District Court Administrator Tenth Judicial District
Hon. Audrey K. Skwierawski, Director of State Courts (ex officio) Wisconsin Court System

In July of 2005, the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance sponsored a national gathering to foster tribal-federal-state court relations. This conference, titled Walking on Common Ground: Pathways to Equal Justice, served as the catalyst for Wisconsin to reconvene its State-Tribal Justice Forum, which began meeting in 2006.

The Forum's most recent efforts have centered on issues of concurrent jurisdiction and transfer of jurisdiction. Through the Discretionary Transfer of Civil Cases to Tribal Court, Wisconsin state courts have the ability to transfer civil cases of concurrent jurisdiction to tribal courts when deemed appropriate through the application of enumerated standards.

View the rule
View the amendment to the rule
View the order adopting the rule permanently

For more information, contact the Office of Court Operations at (608) 266-3121.

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