ePayment for Wisconsin Court Interpreter Program fees

Electronic payment to the Wisconsin Court Interpreter Program is available for the following fees.

Fees and costs

Do not make a payment until you have first registered for the event or exam. To register, please e-mail interpreter.info@wicourts.gov, and you will receive a link to proceed with your registration.

Select up to three fees for which you wish to pay:

Skills-building workshop
Skills-building workshops range from $225.00 to $275.00. Please enter the title and fee for the workshop you are attending below:
Workshop fee
Other fee
Please enter a description and fee amount below (limit 64 chars.):

Payments can be made using MasterCard, Visa, American Express, or electronic check with the following non-refundable fees charged by US Bank to process the payment.

  • MasterCard, Visa, and American Express convenience fee - 1.5%
  • Electronic check flat fee - $1.95

Interpreter information

Information entered in this section will be referenced for any mailings that may occur as a result of your request.

First name
Last name
Street address
Secondary address
State (ex. WI)
Zip code
Country (ex. USA)
Email address

Payer information

First name
Last name
Street address
Secondary address
State (ex. WI)
Zip code
Country (ex. USA)
Email address