In the news

Court Interpreter Newsletter
- 2017: Spring/Summer
- 2016: Fall/Winter | Spring/Summer
- 2015: Fall/Winter | Spring/Summer
- 2014: Fall/Winter | Spring/Summer
- 2013: Fall, Vol. 2, Issue 2 | Spring, Vol. 2, Issue 1
- 2012: Fall, Vol. 1, Issue 2 | Spring, Vol. 1, Issue 1
Additional sources
- Wisconsin's Remote Interpreting (RI) Needs Assessment Final Report
- March 2003 Wisconsin Lawyer Magazine (external link)
Interpreter Code of Ethics article by Judge Elsa Lamelas - Summer 2003 Wisconsin Defender (external link)
Articles about court interpreting by Wisconsin interpreters and lawyers - May 2003 Dane County Bar Association Newsletter
Article about using court interpreters by Gail Richardson - October 2003 Wisconsin Court Interpreter Program Update
Report to Wisconsin Judicial Conference by Marcia Vandercook - October 2000 Report of the Committee to Improve Court Interpreting
Findings and recommendations of a court committee