Pretrial Program

The goal of pretrial programming is to develop and implement policies and operational procedures that:
- Follow legal and evidence-based practices;
- Promote public safety;
- Maximize court appearance rates; and
- Maximize the use of pretrial release.
Below are state and national resources for counties interested in learning more about the research supporting pretrial programming, including the use of an actuarial pretrial risk assessment tool, such as the Public Safety Assessment (PSA). A list of counties with pretrial programming is also included below.
For more information or to update information on this page, please contact Heather Kierzek in the Office of Court Operations at (608) 266-3121 or Pretrial programs operate at the county level. Defendants should contact their attorney for further information.
Pretrial Pilot Program
The Pretrial Pilot Program was created by the Evidence-Based Decision Making (EBDM) subcommittee of the Wisconsin Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC). There are seven counties participating in the pilot. The Pretrial Pilot Program is focused on transitioning to a risk-informed system that promotes public safety while reducing reliance on cash bond and pretrial detention.
Pretrial Pilot Program Site Coordinators developed resources to assist counties with implementation of the PSA, including an operational guide and a data collection and program evaluation guide. Links to both of these documents can be found in the Wisconsin Pretrial resources section of this page.
Pretrial training modules
Wisconsin Pretrial Newsletters
Wisconsin Pretrial resources
- State of Wisconsin Pretrial Pilot Project: Pretrial outcome and performance measures (July 2021)
- State of Wisconsin Pretrial Pilot Project: Operational guide (October 2021)
- 2020 Wisconsin Pretrial Survey Summary of Results Report (November 2020)
- Presentation before Wisconsin Counties Association (October 2020)
- Wis. Stat. Chapter 969 Bail and Other Conditions of Release
- State Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC)
- Evidence-Based Decision Making Subcommittee of the State CJCC
- Wisconsin State Law Library
- Information on arrest and bail
- List of resources regarding bail and conditions of release
- Legislative Council Study Committee on Bail and Conditions of Pretrial Release initial staff report
National Pretrial resources
- Advancing Pretrial Policy and Research (APPR)
APPR has created several pretrial research summaries using publicly available information. Summaries are available here on the following topics:
- Court date notification systems
- Pretrial assessment tools
- Pretrial detention
- Pretrial drug testing
- Pretrial location monitoring
- Pretrial monitoring
- The Public Safety Assessment
- American Bar Association (ABA) Standards for Criminal Justice: Pretrial Release Third Edition (2007)
- Arnold Ventures Pretrial Justice
- The Center for Effective Public Policy (CEPP)
- National Association of Pretrial Services Agencies (NAPSA)
- Standards on Pretrial Release: Revised 2020
- National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Pretrial Resources
- A Framework for Pretrial Justice: Essential Elements of an Effective Pretrial System and Agency
- Fundamentals of Bail: A Resource Guide for Pretrial Practitioners and a Framework for American Pretrial Reform
- Measuring What Matters: Outcome and Performance Measures for the Pretrial Services Field
- Money as a Criminal Justice Stakeholder: The Judge's Decision to Release or Detain a Defendant Pretrial
- Public Safety Assessment (PSA)
- National Center for State Courts (NCSC) Pretrial Justice Center for Courts (PJCC)
Wisconsin Pretrial Programs
(*denotes current/former Pretrial Pilot Program site)

- Bayfield County
- Brown County
- Buffalo County/Pepin County
- Chippewa County*
- Dane County
- Dodge County
- Door County
- Dunn County
- Eau Claire County*
- Kenosha County
- La Crosse County*
- Lafayette County
- Marathon County*
- Milwaukee County*
- Monroe County
- Outagamie County*
- Portage County
- Racine County: Racine County Alternatives Program (RCAP) | Alternatives and Diversion Programs
- Rock County*
- Sawyer County
- St. Croix County
- Walworth County
- Washburn County
- Waukesha County*