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Problem-solving courts

The problem-solving court approach has been rapidly growing throughout the justice system. The most common types of problem-solving courts are drug treatment court and OWI courts, but a wide range of other specialty courts, such as mental health, juvenile, domestic violence, and veterans courts also address underlying issues related to a participant's criminal behavior. Problem-solving courts work across multiple disciplines and institutions to use interventions that treat offenders while also holding them accountable for their criminal actions.

Many problem-solving court programs in Wisconsin receive funding through the Treatment Alternatives and Diversion (TAD) grant program, administered by the Wisconsin Department of Justice. Programs are typically overseen at the county level by a local CJCC, or Criminal Justice Coordinating Council. For a map of TAD-funded programs, click here (external link).

Several listservs are available to Wisconsin treatment court professionals, including lists for judges, coordinators and treatment providers, to facilitate the sharing of information. If you would like to be added to a listserv or would like more information about problem-solving court programs, please contact:

Heather Kierzek
Evidence-Based Program Manager
Office of Court Operations

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