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Interpreter details

Name: Ms. Alexandra Wirth* [Z]
City: Wauwatosa
Home Ph:
Work Ph:
Cell Ph: 414-412-1332
Language Level Effective Date
Spanish Federally Certified 01-13-2013
Courses: 2021 ATA 62nd Annual Conference
2021 Interpreting for Misdemeanor and Felony Offenses
2021 MATI 18th Annual Conference
2022 NAJIT 43rd Annual Conference
2022 Trauma-Informed Interpreter: Interpreting in Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Cases
2023 Ethics in Virtual Settings
2023 The Trauma-Informed Interpreter: Interpreting in Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Cases
2024 Interpreters Working with Trauma Victims/Survivors in Court & Other Legal Settings

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