Students experience Supreme Court through Court with Class

Madison, Wisconsin - March 9, 2017

Students and teachers from South Milwaukee High School will attend Supreme Court oral argument on March 15 as part of the award-winning Court with Class educational program.

The students will learn about the Supreme Court by observing an oral argument live in the Supreme Court Hearing Room at the state Capitol. During oral argument, lawyers on each side involved in a case make their strongest points while being questioned by the justices. After oral argument, the students meet with a justice, who explains the role of the Court and how a case is decided. The students come away from Court with Class with a better understanding of the Supreme Court, the judicial branch of government and the legal issues involved in a case.

Since 1996, thousands of public, private and home-schooled students have benefited from this program, co-sponsored by the State Bar of Wisconsin. Court with Class runs from September to April each year. Teachers interested in applying for Court with Class may download and complete a registration form from the State Bar's website and submit by e-mail to Supreme Court Deputy Marshal Kevin Pond, kevin.pond@wicourts.gov. For more information, visit the State Bar’s Court with Class website, or contact Kevin by email or by phone at (608) 261-4313. Space is limited.

Teachers and students who are unable to make it to Madison in person may view arguments live or archived online on WisconsinEye. A live audio stream and archived recordings of past oral arguments are also available online. Additional teaching resources are available on the Wisconsin court system's website. Synopses of cases argued before the court may be found here.

Tom Sheehan
Court Information Officer
(608) 261-6640

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