Justice on Wheels brings Supreme Court to Waukesha to hear cases

Madison, Wisconsin - September 19, 2014

The Wisconsin Supreme Court will sit in Waukesha County for the first time ever on Oct. 7 to hear oral argument in three cases as part of its Justice on Wheels outreach program.

Waukesha is the 25th Wisconsin county where the Court has sat for oral argument since the Justice on Wheels program was started in 1993. Justice on Wheels gives people in other parts of the state an opportunity to see the Supreme Court at work outside the state Capitol in Madison, where oral arguments are usually heard each year from September through May.

Seats to watch the Court's hearings are free and open to the public, but space is limited. Reservations are recommended and may be made by calling the Court at (608) 266-1298 or e-mailing program assistant Sara Foster, sara.foster@wicourts.gov. Teachers interested in attending with students are encouraged to do so and should also contact Ms. Foster. Materials will be provided to attendees to help them understand the case being argued and the Court's role.

Argument in each case is expected to last about an hour, starting at approximately 9:20 a.m., 10:50 a.m. and 1:50 p.m. A brief description of each case with hyperlink to the Court of Appeals' decision is available here. More detailed summaries of the cases can be found on the court system's website at www.wicourts.gov/supreme/sc_oralargs.jsp

Prior to hearing the cases, the Court will open its visit with a welcome ceremony attended by local judges and other elected officials and community leaders. The Court also will hold an awards presentation to honor local fifth graders participating in the Supreme Court Essay Contest. In the afternoon, the justices will attend a luncheon hosted by the Waukesha County Bar Association.

Since 1993, the justices have conducted proceedings in the following counties: Brown, Eau Claire, Marathon, Milwaukee, La Crosse, Douglas, Rock, Kenosha, Sauk, Dodge, Oneida, Outagamie, Portage, Racine, Fond du Lac, Walworth, Waushara, St. Croix, Winnebago, Iowa, Washington, Columbia, Green and Sheboygan.

Educational materials for teachers and others interested in learning about the Supreme Court and the judicial branch of government can be found on the Wisconsin court system website at: www.wicourts.gov/courts/resources/index.htm

Note to media representatives: If your news organization is interested in any camera coverage of Justice on Wheels events, contact media coordinator Marke Krueger, Fox 6, Milwaukee (414) 588-2166.

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