Redistricting report submitted - Court invites written comment

Madison, Wisconsin - September 25, 2007

On November 25, 2003, this court appointed a committee to review legislative redistricting in Wisconsin, to review this court's decision in Jensen, et. al. v. Wisconsin Election Board, et. al., 2002 WI 13, 249 Wis. 2d 706, 639 N.W.2d 537, along with rules and procedures of other jurisdictions, and to propose procedural rules. On September 21, 2007, the committee submitted its proposal, which the court has not yet reviewed. The court invites written comment to the report during the next 40 days. After receipt of comments, the court will decide how to proceed further. For example, the court may propose changes and, in the coming months, may schedule and conduct a public hearing or an open administrative conference on the report as drafted or with changes.

The Courts and Redistricting in Wisconsin: A Proposal

Written comments should be directed to:
Susan Gray
c/o Office of the Director of State Courts
P.O. 1688, Madison, Wisconsin, 53701-1688
Telephone: (608) 266-6708

A courtesy electronic copy of your response would be appreciated. Also, if you have specific questions or inquiries regarding this matter, they may also be directed to Susan Gray.

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