Resources–Related links
Note: the following external links will take you away from the site.
American Translators Association–Professional organization of translators and interpreters. Conference announcements, discussion groups, publications, links.
Council of Language Access Coordinators (CLAC)–Coalition of state court systems working to develop standardized tests of interpreter qualifications and to improve court interpreting policies and practices. Lists resources on court interpreting, language barriers, cultural issues, interpreter training resources, links.
Cultural Orientation–Describes the culture and language of certain refugee populations: Afghans, Bosnians, Cubans, Haitians, Iraqi Kurds, Iraqis, Somalis, Somali Bantus, and Sudanese.
Ethnologue–Information on world languages provided through a searchable database, as well as publications on cultures, software, and a bibliography on past research work.
National Association of Court Managers–English glossary of common legal terms in plain English.
National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators (NAJIT)–Professional organization of court interpreters and legal translators. Conference announcements, degree programs, discussion groups, publications, links.
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID)–Professional organization of interpreters for the deaf, including court interpreting. Information on training, certification, ethics, ADA, frequently asked questions, links.
Speechpool–A collaborative site that shares speeches for interpreters to practice interpreting.
Wisconsin Office of Deaf and Hard of Hearing–Provides information on sign language interpreting requirements in Wisconsin as well as other resources for sign interpreters.
Wisconsin State Law Library–Legal research and information. Describes the role and structure of the courts, steps in a trial, types of laws, explanation of different areas of law, frequently asked questions.
Studying American Sign Language (ASL)–ASL degrees and where to find them