
Chief Justice Roggensack statement on passing of Justice N. Patrick Crooks:

Madison, Wisconsin - September 21, 2015

“Justice Crooks was an outstanding jurist, a thoughtful decision-maker and a colleague with a wonderful Irish sense of humor. In addition to having served as a circuit court judge and on the Supreme Court, Justice Crooks made significant contributions to the legal profession as a lawyer and a teacher. He was a good friend and colleague, and he will be greatly missed by all.”

Chief Justice Roggensack spoke with Justice Crooks’ family members, who confirmed that he passed away today in his chambers at the state Capitol.

Biographical information about Justice Crooks can be found on the Wisconsin court system website at: http://www.wicourts.gov/courts/supreme/justices/crooks.htm          

A press release issued Sept. 16 also includes background information at:


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