

In the Matter of the Amendment of the

Rules of Pleading, Practice and Procedure:

ss. 17.15(2), 17.16(1), 17.27(2), 23.77(1)

and (3)(a) and (b), 51.20(11)(a), 59.39(4),

345.43(1) and (3)(a), (b) and (c), 753.34(6),

ch. 756, ss. 788.03, 805.08(2), 805.09(1),           ORDER

805.18(2), 879.41(2), 879.45(5), 880.33(2)(a)1.,          No. 96-08

971.04(1)(c), 971.165(1)(c)2. and 3., 972.01,

972.02(1), 972.03, 972.04(1), 972.10(7),

975.06(1)(b), 978.05(4) and 979.05(2), (3)

and (7), Stats., -- Standards Relating to

Juror Use and Management



     On May 6, 1996, the Judicial Council of Wisconsin filed a petition requesting the amendment of statutes dealing with juror use and management in Wisconsin courts.  The proposed amendments would delete statutory references to jury commissioners and municipal jury lists, repeal and recreate chapter 756 of the statutes in respect to jury service, qualification of jurors, excuse from jury service, the compilation of prospective juror lists, the issuance of jury summonses, the selection of juries, jurors' oaths and affirmations and fees and mileage and length of service, provide for the selection of grand jury lists and service on grand juries, clarify the jury selection proceeding at which a criminal defendant has a right to be present and increase the maximum fine and provide for imprisonment for a failure to appear when summoned as an inquest juror. 

     IT IS ORDERED that a public hearing on the petition shall be held in the Supreme Court Room in the State Capitol, Madison, Wisconsin, on September 11, 1996, at 9:00 a.m. 

     IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the court's conference in the matter shall be held promptly following the public hearing. 

     IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that notice of the hearing be given by publication of a copy of this order and of the petition in the official state newspaper once each week for three consecutive weeks and in an official publication of the State Bar of Wisconsin not more than 60 days nor less than 30 days before the date of the hearing. 

     Dated at Madison, Wisconsin, this 28th day of May, 1996.

                        BY THE COURT: 



                        Marilyn L. Graves, Clerk