Telephone: (608) 266-1880 TTY: 1-800-947-3529

110 East Main Street, Suite 215 P.O. Box 1688

Madison, Wisconsin 53701-1688 Fax: (608) 267-0640

Cornelia G. Clark, Clerk





2003AP002990 2005 WI App 117 Mark J. Steichen v. Wayne Hensler

2004AP000009 2005 WI App 125 J. W. v. B. B., M.D.

2004AP0000112005 WI App 125 G. M. v. B. B., M.D. 2004AP000196 CR 2005 WI App 124 State v. Somkhith Neuaone 2004AP000352 2005 WI App 121 1325 North Van Buren, LLC v. T-3 Group, Ltd.

2004AP0008682005 WI App 120 Jerome J. Miezin v. Midwest Express Airlines, Inc. 2004AP001029 CR 2005 WI App 118 State v. Tomas R. Payano-Roman 2004AP001252

2005 WI App 116 Julie Mair v. Trollhaugen Ski Resort 2004AP001406 CR 2005 WI App 114 State v. Brad S. Miller 2004AP001424 CR 2005 WI App 115 State v. Kimberly B. 2004AP001591

2005 WI App 119 Magnolia Township and Western Rock County Citizens Against Factory Farming v. Town of Magnolia

2004AP001701 CR 2005 WI App 112 State v. Eduardo Jose Trigueros 2004AP001954 CR 2005 WI App 113 State v. Jarmal Nelson 2004AP001957 CR 2005 WI App 123 State v. Damian Darnell Washington 2005AP000453 CR 2005 WI App 122 State v. Keith E. Williams

Before Cane, Chm., Curley, Nettesheim, Peterson, and Higginbotham, JJ., Publication Committee.

The court having filed its opinion in each of the above-entitled appeals and the court having concluded pursuant to Wis. Stats. § 809.23 that the opinions should be published,

IT IS ORDERED that the opinion in each of the above-entitled appeals be published in the official reports.

Dated: 06-22-2005

By the Court





/S/CGC Cornelia G. Clark

Clerk of Court of Appeals