A. John Voelker
Acting Clerk of Court of Appeals
Court of Appeals District I
Court of Appeals District III
Peg Carlson, Jennifer Krapf
Court of Appeals
Court of Appeals District II
Court of Appeals District IV
Hon. David T. Flanagan III
Circuit Court Judge
215 South Hamilton, Br 12, Rm 8107
Carlo Esqueda
Clerk of Circuit Court
215 South
Shane Gale
Robert Hornik
Edward J. Heiser Jr.
Lisa M. Lawless
Greg Griswold
Cross Plains, WI 53528
����������� PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a footnote was added to paragraph 14 in the above-captioned opinion, which was released on December 30, 2010.� A corrected electronic version in its entirety is available on the court's website at www.wicourts.gov.�