JUDICIAL COUNCIL COMMITTEE'S NOTE, 1979:� The following rules, called the rules for
practical training of law students, govern law students receiving practical
training in Wisconsin. These rules were originally adopted by the supreme court
on December 19, 1975, effective January 15, 1976. They were amended on December
23, 1977. The rules were originally numbered I to VIII and have been clarified
and numbered SCR 50.01 to 50.08 for uniformity and convenience. Former Rule III
B relating to a law student affiliate member of the state bar of Wisconsin has
been repealed as that type of membership no longer exists.
��������� SCR
50.01� Citation of rules.
��������� This
chapter may be cited and referred to as the "rules for practical training
of law students."
��������� SCR
50.02� Place of filing.
��������� All
documents required to be filed with the clerk of the supreme court and the
state bar by these requirements shall be filed at their respective offices in
Madison, Wisconsin.�
��������� SCR 50.03
Requirements and limitations.
��������� (1) In
order to engage in the activities permitted by these rules a law student:
��������� (a)� Shall be regularly enrolled in a law school
in this state approved by the American bar association.
��������� (b)� Shall have completed legal studies amounting
to at least one‑half of the requirements for a law degree.�
��������� (c)� Shall have been certified by the dean of his
or her law school as having complied with the provisions of par. (b), as being
qualified in ability, training and character to participate in the activities
permitted by these rules, and approve the student's participation under the
supervision of a named supervising lawyer or lawyers and the certificate shall
not have been withdrawn or terminated.�
��������� (2)� A student at a law school in another state
approved by the American bar association may engage in the activities
authorized by this chapter under the following conditions:
��������� (a)� The student complies with this chapter
except sub. (1)(a) and the requirement of sub. (1)(c) that the dean's
certificate name the supervising lawyer.�
��������� (b)� The student must be supervised by a lawyer
who is approved under SCR 50.05 by the dean of a law school in Wisconsin to
supervise students of the dean's law school.
��������� SCR
50.04� Form and duration of
��������� The
certification of a student by the law school dean:�
��������� (1)� Shall be filed with the supreme court and
the state bar, on a form furnished by the clerk of the supreme court and unless
sooner withdrawn or terminated, the certification shall remain in effect until
the expiration of 16 months after it is filed or until the student has been
admitted to practice in this state, whichever is earlier.�
��������� (2)� May be withdrawn by the dean at any time
without hearing and without any showing of cause and shall be withdrawn by the
dean if the student ceases to be regularly enrolled as a student prior to his
or her graduation, by sending by certified mail a notice to that effect to the
clerk of the supreme court, to the state bar, to the supervising attorney and
to the student. The notice need not state any cause for withdrawal.�
��������� (3)� May be canceled by the supreme court at any
time, without notice of cause and the student denied permission to participate
in the program.
��������� SCR
50.05� Supervision.
��������� A
supervising lawyer shall:�
��������� (1)� Be an active member of the state bar and
approved by the dean of the law school where the student is enrolled; provided
a regular member of the faculty of a law school in this state may supervise
students under this chapter if admitted to practice in another state pending
action on his or her application for admission to practice in this state.�
��������� (2)� Supervise no more than 5 students
concurrently, provided that a lawyer devoting more than 20 hours per week to
the supervision and education of clinical students for which he or she is
taking responsibility under these rules (as distinct from time devoted to
providing service to his or her client or clients) may supervise up to 10
students who are devoting no more than 20 hours per week to the clinical
��������� (3)� Assume personal professional responsibility
for any work undertaken by the student while under his or her supervision.
��������� (4)� Assist and counsel with the student in the
activities mentioned in these rules and review the activities with the student,
all to the extent required for the proper practical training of the student and
the protection of the client.�
��������� (5)� Read, approve and personally sign any
pleadings or other papers prepared by the student prior to the filing thereof
and read and approve any documents which are prepared by the student for
execution by any person or persons not a member or members of the state bar
prior to submission thereof for execution.�
��������� (6)� Before commencing supervision of any
student, file with the state bar a notice in writing signed by him or her
stating the name of the student, the period or periods during which he or she
expects to supervise the activities of the student and that the supervising
lawyer will adequately supervise the student in accordance with this chapter.
��������� (7)� Notify the state bar in writing promptly if
his or her supervision of the student ceases.�
��������� (8)� File with the dean of the student's law
school at least semiannually a statement of the types of activities engaged in
by the student.
��������� SCR
50.06� Activities authorized.�
��������� (1)� A student may engage in the following
activities only under direct and immediate supervision and with the approval of
a supervising lawyer and only if the client on whose behalf he or she acts
shall have approved in writing the performance of those acts by the student.
Such activities must be part of the clinical program of the law school.
��������� (2)� In this rule:
��������� (a)� "Client" means any ultimate
recipient of legal services.�
��������� (b)� "Direct and immediate supervision"
means (except as to matters tried under chapter 799 of the statutes) that the
lawyer shall be present with the student at each time during the trial, hearing
or proceeding in which the student engages in activities which would be
unauthorized but for this chapter, except for those times when very routine
actions take place (including when representing one charged with a misdemeanor,
such action as a request for continuance or a plea of not guilty on first� appearance, but not including, when
representing one charged with a felony, such actions as an arraignment or a
bail argument) if the judge or other presiding officer and the client agree
with the lawyer beforehand the lawyer's presence is unnecessary.
��������� (3)� The following activities are
��������� (a)� Appearing on behalf of the client in the
name of the supervising lawyer in any public trial or hearing or proceeding pertaining
thereto in a court, a tribunal or before any public agency, referee,
commissioner or hearing officer.
��������� (b)� Counseling with and giving legal advice to a
client in the presence of the supervising attorney, except as otherwise
provided in this rule.
��������� SCR
50.07� Activities requiring general
��������� (1) This
chapter does not prevent a law student under the general supervision of a
lawyer from performing acts on behalf of the lawyer such as those customarily
performed by law clerks in law offices before January 1, 1979.�
��������� (2)� In this rule, "general
supervision" means supervision in accordance with SCR 50.05(3) to (5). The
activity may be undertaken by any law student without compliance with SCR 50.03
and by any active member of the state bar without approval by the dean of the
law school under SCR 50.05(1) and without compliance with SCR 50.05(2), (6),
(7) and (8).
��������� SCR
50.08� Compensation.�
��������� A law
student shall neither ask for nor receive any compensation or remuneration of
any kind for his or her services from the client on whose behalf he or she
renders services, but this does not prevent a lawyer, an organization having an
established legal department, any nonprofit organization rendering legal aid to
indigent persons or any public agency from paying compensation on a salaried or
hourly basis to an eligible law student or a law school from awarding
scholarships or fellowships to an�
eligible law student.
��������������� Amended
April 26, 1982.