Search – Juvenile (Chapter 938 - ICWA)

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Notice of Permanency Hearing (ICWA)
Notice of Permanency Hearing (ICWA)

09/08/2022 Form English
Form English
Summary English
Order for Temporary Physical Custody (Secure/Nonsecure) - Indian Child Welfare Act
The formal order signed by the court directing the custody ordered by the court for a child/juvenile. CCAP form.

05/30/2024 Form English
Form English
Summary English
Notice of Rights and Obligations - Indian Child Welfare Act
A written notice to be provided to child/juvenile and parents of their basic rights and obligations as well as the possibility of disclosure of personal information to victims.

11/12/2020 Form English
Form English
Summary English
Summons - Indian Child Welfare Act
Formal notice to an individual to appear in court and respond to a citation or petition. Available in Spanish.

05/02/2019 Form English
Form English
Form Spanish
Form Spanish
Summary English
Petition for Protection or Services (Chapter 938) - Indian Child Welfare Act
Formal request to invoke the court's jurisdiction to adjudicate the juvenile in need of protection or services under sec. 938.13(4), (6), (6m), or (7).

11/16/2023 Form English
Form English
Summary English
Notice of Hearing (Juvenile) - Indian Child Welfare Act
To give notice to interested persons of the scheduling of court proceedings. CCAP form.

11/16/2023 Form English
Form English
Summary English
Motion for Transfer to Tribal Court - Indian Child Welfare Act
Motion to transfer a proceeding involving an out-of-home placement of, or termination of parental rights to, an Indian child from a circuit court to a tribal court.

09/08/2022 Form English
Form English
Summary English
Order on Motion for Transfer to Tribal Court - Indian Child Welfare Act
Written order of the Circuit Court to transfer a proceeding involving an out-of-home placement of or termination of parental rights to an Indian child from a Circuit Court to a tribal Court.

09/08/2022 Form English
Form English
Summary English
Dispositional Order - Protection or Services with Termination of Parental Rights Notice (Chapter 938) - Indian Child Welfare Act
Formal order of the court detailing the disposition in a Ch. 938 juvenile in need of protection or services (JIPS) case. (This does not apply to a Ch. 48 child in need of protection or services.)

11/16/2023 Form English
Form English
Summary English
Notice of Change in Placement (Out-of-Home to Out-of-Home/Out-of-Home to In-Home/In-Home to In-Home) - Indian Child Welfare Act
To give notice to interested persons that a change in placement has taken or will take place.

05/30/2024 Form English
Form English
Summary English
Request to Change Placement / Revise Dispositional Order - Indian Child Welfare Act
Request to the court to change placement or revise the dispositional order.

05/30/2024 Form English
Form English
Summary English
Stipulation for Consent Decree (Out-of-Home Placement Only) - Indian Child Welfare Act
To record an agreement between the parties requiring certain actions or activities to be done in exchange for suspending formal proceedings. The court official approves the consent decree and orders the parties to comply with it.

09/08/2022 Form English
Form English
Summary English
Consent Decree (Out-of-Home Placement Only) - Indian Child Welfare Act
To record an agreement between the parties requiring certain actions or activities to be done in exchange for suspending formal proceedings. The court official approves the consent decree and orders the parties to comply with it.

11/16/2023 Form English
Form English
Summary English
Order for Extension of Dispositional Order/Consent Decree (Out-of-Home Placement Only) - Indian Child Welfare Act
Order of the court extending a dispositional order or consent decree for correctional and out-of-home placements.

09/08/2022 Form English
Form English
Summary English
Order for Extension of Dispositional Order or Consent Decree with Termination of Parental Rights Notice (Out-of-Home Placement Only) - Indian Child Welfare Act
Order of the court extending a dispositional order or consent decree for correctional and out-of-home placements.

09/08/2022 Form English
Form English
Summary English
Order for Change in Placement with Termination of Parental Rights Notice (In-Home to Out-of-Home Placement Only) - Indian Child Welfare Act
Order of the court for change in placement from the juvenile/child's home to an out-of-home placement.

09/08/2022 Form English
Form English
Summary English
Order for Change in Placement with Termination of Parental Rights Notice (Out-of-Home to Out-of-Home Placement Only) - Indian Child Welfare Act
Order of the court for change in placement from one out-of-home to another out-of-home placement.

11/16/2023 Form English
Form English
Summary English
Permanency Hearing Order - Indian Child Welfare Act
To approve, disapprove, or revise the permanency plan. CCAP form.

09/08/2022 Form English
Form English
Summary English
Permanency Hearing Order with Termination of Parental Rights Notice - Indian Child Welfare Act
To approve, disapprove, or revise the permanency plan.

09/08/2022 Form English
Form English
Summary English
Notice of Change of Address
Notice of Change of Address.

09/08/2022 Form English
Form English
Summary English
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